Thursday, May 24, 2012

Prevents Illegal Downloading

An important positive aspect of the new law is that because of the penalties people will be deterred from infringing copyrighted files. The previous laws that were active in New Zealand were actually not achieving their purpose of stopping people from illegally sharing digital files through the use of peer to peer file sharing software on the internet. 

 However, currently the new law that has been passed and it states that it “provides rights owners with a special regime for taking enforcement action against people who infringe copyright through file sharing”. The new law came into effect on the 1st September 2011 repeals and amends the Copyright Act 1994 detailing proper punishment for disobeying the law and allowing copyrights owners to take action against New Zealand residents that are sharing and downloading digital content without their permission. 

This new law is an improvement and is expected to reduce the amount of illegal file sharing of digital files in New Zealand but while also respecting the privacy of internet account holders. It has the potential to be an effective way to discourage individuals from infringing files through file sharing software.

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