Thursday, May 24, 2012

Benefits the Media Industry

In this day and age the sharing and downloading of copyrighted digital files is thought to be absolutely harmless but what people don't realize is that this actually has a negative impact on the media industry and a wide range of people majorly. 

Goel stated that the survival of the media industry is at stake because they claim that billions of dollars are lost in sales due to people downloading instead (2010).

Since people can now download files over the internet through file sharing this has currently caused less people to go into stores and buy physical copies of music or videos. With the new law the media industry can take action and have more control against copyright infringers by notifying the proper internet service providers each time someone downloads a copyrighted file illegally. 

This new process of notification and take-down will most likely deter more people from file sharing copyrighted files and more legitimate purchases will be made as a result of less people carrying out peer to peer file sharing.

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